Master Gardeners

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Master Gardeners
from the Michigan State University Master Gardener Program will be available at the Saline Farmers Market to answer your gardening questions, and provide information on horticultural topics of interest to market patrons. Master Gardeners from the MSU extension will be available at the Saline Farmers Market May and June and September and October to answer your gardening questions, and provide information on horticultural topics of interest to market customers. Master Gardeners are versed in a range of horticultural topics having received certification after attending nearly 50 hours of education sessions at the MSU extension and then passing the certification exam. They also have access to information through the extension and can follow-up or direct inquiries to appropriate sources if necessary. Gardeners have received training in soil preparation and maintenance, horticultural and pest problem diagnosis and environmentally appropriate response, and in-depth insights into the attributes and variety of plants available within plant groupings such as vegetables, fruits, perennials, annuals, lawns and woody ornamentals.