Little Free Library

Little Free Libraries (LFLs) are small boxes—artfully done—that hold books for children and adults, and that promote the values of literacy and community. Take a book, or leave a book, anytime, for free.

Inspired by an LFL in the front yard of a Saline resident, in 2015 the City of Saline Arts & Culture Committee sponsored the installation of five additional LFLs, painted by local artists. With approval from the Saline Parks & Recreation, and the Saline City Council, the five LFLs were installed at Brecon Park, Mill Pond Park, Risdon Park, City Hall, and the Recreation Center. Students from Saline Alternative High School assisted with the installation. An additional three LFLs were installed on school properties, funded by a CARES grant (Cultural Arts, Recreation, Enrichment, Seniors) through Saline Area Schools.

LFLs continue to pop-up throughout the city, unaffiliated with city support. Currently there are more than a dozen libraries within the city limits, and more in the Saline District.

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