226 South Ann Arbor Street

226 South Ann Arbor Street
Date of Construction: 1927
Photo by Cynthia Christensen
October 2012

Architectural Description: This is a one-and-one-half story, side-gabled Craftsman/Bungalow house with a low, sloping roof with a prominent front-gabled dormer in its center. The house displays many characteristics of a typical Craftsman Bungalow home that was being constructed in the 1920s. For example, it has wide, overhanging eaves with exposed rafters (rafter tails) and triangular knee bracing (brackets) under the eaves. The full width front porch contains two massive tapered (battered) piers supporting the front roofline and has a solid wood balustrade. The house has wooden clapboard on the first story and cedar shingles on the upper level. The structure rests on a concrete block foundation and has an exterior brick chimney on its north elevation. There is also a wooden deck in the rear of the house.

History: This house was built in 1927 for Leo and Frieda Westphal. The Westphal family lived here through 1941. Additional early owners include Robert Hamilton, followed by John Hull.

Sources: "Historic District Study Committee Report for the South Ann Arbor Street Local Historic District." 2007.

Kosky & Glynn Associates. "Intensive Survey, South Ann Arbor Street, Saline, Michigan." 1994.

Suggested Reading: McAlester, Virginia, and Lee McAlester. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.


Prepared by Lori Swick
April 17, 2013