Start Your Business in Saline

Oh, we know that gleam in an entrepreneur’s eye.

You’re preparing to strike out on your own with a new business concept that’s inspiring you – and you’re confident that your concept will find customers and inspire their loyalty.

The Saline Business Recruitment Team is ready to help you explore Saline as the right place to set up shop. SBRT will provide references from entrepreneurs who’ve successfully established and grown their businesses here. SBRT can also point you to essential startup resources. Here are some of the most helpful organizations we commonly refer new Saline business owners to:

One-Stop Business Advisory

Business Incubators

Incentives for Establishing or Expanding Your Business

Financing and Venture Capital Partners for Small Businesses

Business Planning, Funding, Staffing, Production, and Marketing

Free Counseling, Specialized Mentors, and Consultants

Training, Activities, and Events for Small Businesses